Rated M For Marriage | Intimate Stretching & Connecting
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Connect With Your Spouse On A Deeper Level

This DVD Focuses on 3 Areas

Cater To Her

Intimate stretching and connecting exercises that husbands can do for their wives.

Over 30 minutes!

Cater To Him

Intimate stretching and connecting exercises that wives can do for their husbands.

Over 25 minutes!

Just You & Me

Intimate stretching and connecting exercises that you and your spouse can do together.

Over 30 minutes!

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  • Full length DVD

  • Free Digital Video Version

  • Ships Within A Week Of Purchase Date

Digital Video


  • 3 Part Digital Video Series

Got Questions? Contact Us

If you have questions or would like to contact David and Amanda, do so by the following methods.

Phone: 407-318-4912

Email: info@mendourmarriage.com

Website: www.mendourmarriage.com

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